I study the dwarf satellite galaxy population of low-mass host galaxies, with stellar masses lower than the Milky Way, in order to gain further insight on hierarchical structure formation, the environmental effects on satellites, and the nature of dark matter.
I grew up between Quito, Ecuador and Key West, FL for the first 17 years of my life. I finished high school in Miami, FL and then attended Florida International University where I recieved a B.S. in Physics and minor in Astronomy in 2015
Fun facts about me
* My favorite place in the world is Key West, FL and the Florida Keys. Hawaii is a very close second though
* I'm a proud guinea pig mom to Pip and Cosmo, and dog mom to Kai.
* I like to consider myself an amateur dog trainer. I love to read up on how dogs think and learn.
* I love to ice skate in my free time
* I really enjoy playing on aerial silks
* I love playing the ukulele, violin, and learning new instruments. I hope to pick up the banjo at some point